When asked by this client to create a ‘Cabinet’ to house their audio visual equipment, this wasn’t what I originally had in mind. They had asked for something ‘off the wall’ and ‘very individual’ but when discussing individual features from their home & details they loved, this could only end up going one way.
It’s amazing how trends in the Interiors media can push us into thinking we want to achieve a certain look and after just a little soul searching, it turns out we have something else in mind.
This TV Unit with it’s speakers and woofers looks fabulous, created with design details which are over 200 years old!!
From the panelled doors to the moulded cornice, all very traditionally English.
The plinth is rather more bespoke and was created specifically for the client. Brought together into this breakfront cabinet, Georgian styling with 21st Century cinema really works.
(You will have noticed, why no handles?? These are being especially handmade and will join the cabinet later…new images to follow!)